Talking Transatlantic Affairs
Talking Transatlantic Affairs is a series of interviews in which folks from the United States and Europe share their thoughts and personal reflections on the transatlantic relationship.

Can you explain the offsides rule in American football? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs in Europe Season 2 Episode 8
In the final installment of the series, we asked folks if they can explain the offsides rule in American football

What are Americans’ biggest misconceptions about Europe? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs in Europe Season 2 Episode 7
In the seventh episode of the series, we asked folks what they felt were the biggest misconceptions Americans have about Europeans.

Where would you go in the United States? Talking Transatlantic Affairs in Europe Season 2 Episode 6
In the sixth installment of the second season, we asked folks if they could go anywhere in the United States, where would they go?

How can we get young people more involved? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs in Europe Season 2 Episode 5
In the fifth installment of the second season, we asked folks how we can get young people excited about transatlantic affairs.

How can we be more inclusive? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs in Europe, Season 2 Episode 4
In this installment of the series, we asked folks how we can make the transatlantic relationship more inclusive.

What are the biggest challenges? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs in Europe, Season 2 Episode 3
In this installment of the series, we asked folks what are the biggest challenges facing the transatlantic community.

Why are we so polarized? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs in Europe, Season 2 Episode 2
In this installment of the series, we asked them why societies have become so polarized.

What does it mean to you? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs in Europe, Season 2 Episode 1
In this first installment of the second season, we asked folks in Europe why the relationship is important to them.

What does it mean to you? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs, Episode 1
What do transatlantic relations mean to you? Over the last year, the Bertelsmann Foundation has interviewed specialists in our office and leaders around Washington, DC for their views on Europe, the United States, and the transatlantic relationship. In this first installment of the series, we asked folks why the relationship is important to them.

Why are we so polarized? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs, Episode 2
From Paris, France to Paris, Texas, the partners in the transatlantic community face increased political division and polarization. Why is this happening now? In this installment of the Talking Transatlantic Affairs series, we asked our experts why societies have become so polarized.

What are the biggest challenges? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs, Episode 3
From climate change to inequality, to political division, the transatlantic community faces no shortage of challenges. Which is the most threatening? What can be done about it? In this installment of the series, we asked folks what are the biggest challenges facing the transatlantic community.

How can we be more inclusive? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs, Episode 4
For the transatlantic community to thrive in the 21st century, it will need to become more inclusive. In this installment of the series, we asked folks how we can make the transatlantic relationship more inclusive.

How can we get young people involved? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs, Episode 5
Is Generation Z bored by the transatlantic relationship? One thing is for sure, for the relationship to thrive, young people need to be involved. Over the last year, the Bertelsmann Foundation has interviewed specialists in our office and leaders around Washington, DC for their views on Europe, the United States, and the transatlantic relationship. In this installment of the series, we asked folks how we can get young people excited about transatlantic affairs.

Where would you go in Europe? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs, Episode 6
If someone offers you a free ticket to Europe, where would you go? And why? Over the last year, the Bertelsmann Foundation has interviewed specialists in our office and leaders around Washington, DC for their views on Europe, the United States, and the transatlantic relationship. In this installment of the series, we asked folks if they could go anywhere in Europe, where would they go?

Europeans' biggest misconceptions about Americans | Talking Transatlantic Affairs, Episode 7
It’s no secret that some Europeans have stereotypes of Americans. But are they accurate? Over the last year, the Bertelsmann Foundation has interviewed specialists in our office and leaders around Washington, DC for their views on Europe, the United States, and the transatlantic relationship. In this installment of the series, we asked folks what they felt were the biggest misconceptions Europeans have about Americans.

Can you explain the offsides rule in soccer? | Talking Transatlantic Affairs, Episode 8
In this installment of the series, we asked folks if they can explain the offsides rule in soccer.