The Transition 2020

The Transition is a series of video interviews, infographics, and written briefs outlining a new transatlantic agenda intended to withstand a period of significant tumult in the U.S. and Europe.

The Transition 2020 |
100 Questions  |

100 Questions

Recent technological advances are changing the way we do business, govern, and interact with each other. This shift is causing some concern over the future of work as technological innovations such as artificial intelligence and automation affect work. This challenge requires all members of the society to take action that will ensure technology creates a future that works and benefits everyone.

People-Led Innovation

With more than half the world’s population residing in cities, responsibility for solving societal challenges – ranging from climate change to terrorism and the future of work – is increasingly falling to officials at the local level. However, deteriorating fiscal conditions, coupled with a long-term decline in public trust in government, has diminished local leaders’ ability to meet citizens’ increasingly complex demands.

People-Led Innovation |
Transatlantic Cities & the Future of Work |

Transatlantic Cities & the Future of Work

An investigation by the Bertelsmann Foundation, in partnership with the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB), attempts to answer how the future of work will impact workers in America and Europe.

The Future of Work Guide

Mounting concern over the impact of technology and automation on economic, social, and political systems has induced slow-moving panic in Europe and the United States. As transatlantic policymakers race to lock in gains from rapid advances in technology and automation, they are also coming to grips with how new technologies such as artificial intelligence and robotics will affect work, tasks, and jobs.

The Future of Work Guide |

The Future of Work and the Trans-Atlantic Alliance

In their not-so-distant predictions, futurists often foretell a world in which artificial intelligence (AI), big data, machine learning and automation dictate our lives. To some, this technological disruption leads to the elimination of work altogether or, at worst, robot domination. To others, this same change births a newly empowered professional class that derives its prosperity from coding and the servicing of robots.

The Future of Work and the Trans-Atlantic Alliance |


(In)Divisible is based on interviews from the field with over 125 Americans from across the country and across the political spectrum. It explores the causes of polarization in the United States, and addresses the divisions felt along not only political but also socio-economic, geographic, racial and educational lines.

(In)Divisible |

Newpolitik - Vol. II

When Time magazine named Angela Merkel its person of the year for 2015, it called her “chancellor of the free world.” When Donald Trump was elected U.S. president nearly a year later, his hostility to supranational institutions, and even the European Union itself, left bulwarks of the liberal order — the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and NATO — without a champion in the White House.

Newpolitik - Vol. II |

Newpolitik - Vol. I

Newpolitik is the Bertelsmann Foundation’s comprehensive guide that explores the context in which German foreign and domestic policy is made.

Newpolitik - Vol. I |